OUR ACTIVITIES The Department of Technical Education, UT, Chandigarh controls and coordinates Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Sector 28C, Chandigarh. OBJECTIVES: Facilitate provision of State of Art quality skill education and training in different trades and areas of Technical Education. To develop strong linkages with Industries to ensure relevance and effectiveness of our trainees. To promote entrepreneurship development. To train the drop out students by providing skill training / technical education through short term courses. To facilitate continuous staff development by training and seminars. To facilitate net working and collaboration among the various institutions under the Chandigarh Administration. Details of our activities in respect of this Institute is enclosed as per Annexure A. Details of courses along with duration, sanctioned intake and admission qualifications in respect of this Institute is enclosed as per Annexure B or the same can be viewed from Institute’s website www.itichd28.edu.in or www.chdtechnicaleducation.gov.in ENQUIRIES: All efforts are made to settle any complaint related to this Institute expeditiously. Principal Govt. Industrial Training Institute Chandigarh 1/- Annexure A CITIZEN’S CHARTER GOVT. INDUSTRIAL TRAINING INSTITUTE, SECTOR 28C, CHANDIGARH No. Name of the service being provided Given Time Limit for delivery of each service (Working day) Designation of the Designated Officer Designation of the Appellate Authority Designation of the second Appellate Authority 1 2 3 4 5 6 01. Registration of newly admitted students of GITI 20 Days. Training Cell. In-charge Admission Committee, GITI, Chandigarh. Principal, GITI, Chandigarh. 02. Conduct of NCVT Examination. As per schedule issued by Govt. of India, MSDE, DGT, New Delhi. Dealing Asstt./Clerk Examination Branch. Supdt. Exam GITI, Chandigarh. Principal/ Chairman of Exam. 03. Declaration of result As received from Govt. of India, MSDE, DGT, New Delhi. Dealing Asstt./Clerk Examination Branch. Principal, GITI, Chandigarh. Research Officer, DTE, UT, Chandigarh. 04. Issue of certificates 01 Month Dealing Asstt. Principal, GITI, Chandigarh. Research Officer, DTE, UT, Chandigarh. 05. Issue of duplicate certificates/ Verification of certificates 01 Month Dealing Asstt. Principal, GITI, Chandigarh. Research Officer, DTE, UT, Chandigarh. 06. Issue of Bus Pass 7-10 days from date of admission Nodal Officer for issue of Bus Pass. Group Instructors Principal, GITI, Chandigarh. 07. Issue of Identity Cards to trainees One month from the date of start of session Dealing Assistant Training. Group Instructors Principal, GITI, Chandigarh. 08. Security Refunds One month after passing out of AIT examination. Student Fund Clerk / Cashier. Drawing and Disbursing Officer. Principal, GITI, Chandigarh. 09. Issue of Roll Nos. As per availability of roll Nos. on DGT portal before start of the examination. Examination Clerk. Supdt. Examinations Principal, GITI, Chandigarh. 10. RTI Information As per RTI Act CAPIO CPIO Principal, GITI, Chandigarh. 11. Campus Development As and when required. Dealing Assistant. Designated campus Development Officer. Principal, GITI, Chandigarh. 12. Conduct of Apprenticeship Examination As per schedule issued by Govt. of India, MSDE, DGT, New Delhi. Asstt. Apprenticeship Advisor. Dy. State Apprenticeship Advisor. Additional State Apprenticeship Advisor. 13. Declaration of the result of Apprenticeship Examination As received from Govt. of India, MSDE, DGT, New Delhi. Asstt. Apprenticeship Advisor. Dy. State Apprenticeship Advisor. Additional state Apprenticeship Advisor. Principal Govt. Industrial Training Institute Chandigarh 2/- Annexure B DETAILS OF COURSES ALONG WITH DURATION, SANCTIONED INTAKE AND ADMISSION QUALIFICATIONS S. No. Name of Trade No. of Units Sanctioned Intake Duration of Course Entry Level Qualification for Admission Fitter 4 80 2 Years 10th Turner 2 40 2 Years 10th Machinist 2 40 2 Years 10th Instrument Mechanic 2 48 2 Years 10th Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Technician 2 48 2 Years 10th Electrician 2 40 2 Years 10th Electronics Mechanic 3 72 2 Years 10th Information & Communication Technology System Maintenance 1 24 2 Years 10th Draughtsman Mechanical 2 40 2 Years 10th Draughtsman Civil 2 48 2 Years 10th Machinist Grinder 1 20 2 Years 10th Tool & Die Maker (Press Tools, Jigs & Fixtures) 1 24 2 Years 10th Mechanic Motor Vehicle 2 48 2 Years 10th Mechanic Diesel 2 48 1 Year 10th Wood Work Technician 1 24 1 Year 8th Welder 2 40 1 Year 8th Plumber 1 24 1 Year 8th Sewing Technology 1 20 1 Year 8th Stenography and Secretarial Assistant(English) 1 24 1 Year 10th 20. Computer Operator Programming Assistant 3 72 1 Year 10th 21. Mechanic Auto Body Repair 1 20 1 Year 10th 22. Mechanic Auto Body Painting 1 20 1 Year 10th 23. Geo Informatics Assistant 1 24 1 Year 12th G.Total 40 888 Principal Govt. Industrial Training Institute Chandigarh